Ecology Industry Technology
ECOINTECH s.r.o. was founded as a trading company providing technical designs and engineering. We supply technological devices for industrial branches where the air filtration is necessary, as well as limitation of dustiness and emission. We arrange complex projects of industrial filtration, using our experience and support from the European leading filter manufacturers.
Our vision
ECOINTECH’s business and social goal is to provide our clients a long-term sustainable technical solution which meets requirements of modern production processes.
Our services, securing sustainability of technological devices, ensure cost-saving operation and maintenance which meet current energetic requirements.
What we believe in
We respect both environment and each other. Thus we want to be a responsible company, which helps their clients with a responsible care of the environment. Therefore we are able to adopt innovative solutions, especially in cases when standard methods cannot be applied. We like challenges.
Our partner
BKB Metal a.s. is an projecting and engineering company focused on metallurgy, nonferrous metal industry, power engineering, mechanical engineering and steel construction. Within all branches, the company provide complex investment services to its customers; from investment project and complex paperwork processing to structure turnkey completion.
What we provide
We offer air filtration for a wide range of manufacturing processes. Generally said, the filtration devices based on principle of mechanical air filtration are physically simple, yet very complex in terms of technology. It does not matter if we speak about solid dust particle filters or gas and aerosol filters. All the filtering systems are made of particular mechanisms and components which ensure demanded functionality. In most cases, we speak about more than one mechanism, or an item in terms of measurement records.
Our goal is to improve quality and performance of filters in operating environment and to cut down the production costs. For this purpose, a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies have been used. Our experience within this line of business has proved that it is no longer possible to emphasize only one key parameter. Professional assessment of the project assignment is still an important factor.
Especially, whether the application of suggested lower-cost technologies is inevitable and whether the technology will work during the warranty period. If it does not, subsequent repair costs are usually higher than initial purchasing costs. Certain technologies may cause fallout which can be harmful for both man and environment. Company ECOINTECH, s.r.o. provides assessment of client’s business plan and independent suggestions for the most suitable solutions. These solutions are usually various and they depend on client’s needs.